YMCA is open to and for all people, regardless of their socioeconomic status. As a result, YMCA develops and runs programs unique to each situation; basic needs, care and development for infants, the promotion of values and socially responsible attitudes for youth, itineraries for youth and leadership development, as well as camps and other language immersion activities. It is very important to us that every person have the opportunity to learn and grow.
YMCA is made up of 22 centers in cities through Spain which run activities every day dedicated to improving the situations of children, young people and families with difficulties. In order to make our intervention effective we also specialize in training, employment services, and housing for children and families with fewer resources.
All of our programs are developed by staff who specialize in that specific field and are supported by our dedicated volunteers.
On the other hand, our experience in running youth leadership, linguistic immersion and summer camp programs has made us a trusted provider of education, linguistic and recreational programs to schools, institutions and organizations around the country and the world.

D. Francisco Pérez Polo - President
D. Jesús Fernández Rodríguez - Vicepresident
D. Albert Sánchez Férriz - Treasurer
Executive Committee Members
D. Ignacio Martín Marco
D. Heraclio Corrales Romeo
Dª. María Cruz Muerza Marín
Dª. Encarnación Guillén Sábada
D. Javier Martín Robles
D. Eneko López de Dicastillo
General Secretary
Mr. Pedro Fueyo Díaz